ZIP Express
The ZIP Code and Area Code Authority
Quick look up of U.S. ZIP Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones, and current time.
- Quickly find U.S. ZIP Codes and cities, counties, states, area codes, time zones and current time for a specific ZIP Code.
- Search by city, county, or area code to find the ZIP Codes within those parameters.
- Paste ZIP Code information directly into your Windows applications. Press a hotkey while in your app to open a ZIP Code entry box. Enter the ZIP Code and the city, state and ZIP Code are typed right into your application.
- Press another hot key to get a ZIP Code directly from your app and see the city, state, and county data.
- Before returning a phone call, enter an Area Code into ZIP Express to determine where the caller called from and what time it is in their location.
- With the ZIP Code information displayed in ZIP Express, press the Map button and, with an Internet connection, see a map of that location.
- ZIP Express runs on Windows.

ZIP Code Data
 Purchase a ZIP Code Data license and integrate ZIP Code, Area Code and Time Zone information into your application.